Who We Are

To carry Christ to everyone, everywhere, in every generation.
To inspire and empower the Church to carry Christ to their world.
To carry Christ to everyone, everywhere, in every generation.
To inspire and empower the Church to carry Christ to their world.

EveryHome Europe Leadership

Gabriel Kosmaly
Continental Director, Eurasia
Raised in Slovakia by a catholic father and his mother—the daughter of an atheist communist officer—Gabriel grew up searching for the true, deeper meaning to his life. In his mid-twenties, through the witness and friendship of local believers, Gabriel found what he was looking for in Jesus. In 2012, Gabriel was invited to work with Every Home on an online evangelism project and was inspired by the authentic, relational vision. Since then, Gabriel has served Every Home as a regional leader, and now continental director, in which capacity he leads our operations throughout Europe. “I love the diversity in unity, which, for me is the main feature of Every Home,” Gabriel says.

Pavel Valkov
Balkans Regional Director
Pavel was raised in a mission-minded family. Following his father’s example, he dedicated his life to sharing the Good News with those around him. Pavel became a pastor and in 2009 he joined Every Home for Christ as the Bulgarian Ministry Director, a position he continues to serve in. In 2018, he became the Regional Director for the Balkans. Pavel’s dream is to serve God as long as he can. He is married and has two children.

Zuzana Marfoldiova
Operations Director
Zuzana began her journey with Every Home in 2011 as a part-time translator and gradually transitioned into a full-time member of Every Home Europe in 2018. Currently, Zuzana serves as the Operations Director, where she oversees the daily operations and administration across the continent. She is responsible for supporting the Continental Director as well as the Europe Leadership Team. In addition to her role in operations, Zuzana enjoys activities that involve creativity and learning.

Stefan Vujcik
Western Europe Regional Director
Stefan embarked on his journey with Every Home in 2020, responding to a calling from secular work to ministry during the turbulent times of that year. Recognizing his mission to carry Christ’s message, Stefan serves as Regional Director, dedicated to helping others explore, follow, and share God’s presence, glory, and will. His purpose is to empower, guide, and care for local ministry directors, enabling them to unleash their full potential in their commitment to reach everyone. Stefan is married and a devoted father to one child.

Roy Crowne
Coordinator of Strategic Partnerships
Roy became a Christian as a teenager when a schoolmate told him about Jesus. Taking school assemblies and running the church youth group were his introduction to ministry. He worked with Youth for Christ and in 2010 became Executive Director of HOPE Together. He has become a catalyst for mission in the UK but also outside of it. Roy joined Every Home in 2018 and oversees development efforts in new areas. He is married with two children and 2 grandchildren.

Ondrej Garaj
Senior Advisor
Born to Slovakian farmers under an oppressive communist government, Ondrej’s best hope for a successful career was within the communist party. He became the organizer of atheist education at his high school for the communist youth organization and in an effort to study his Christian enemies Ondrej visited a village church. Deeply moved by what he’d witnessed he gave his life to Christ and became a servant of Jesus. Ondrej joined Every Home in 1990 and quickly became a Regional Director. Ondrej leads with deep theological insight, broad cultural awareness, and a commitment to making Jesus known worldwide. As Senior Advisor, he helps navigate Every Home ministry in Europe. Ondrej has three children, five grandchildren and lives with his wife, Viera, in Slovakia.

Zuzana Marfoldiova
Operations Director
Zuzana began her journey with Every Home in 2011 as a part-time translator and gradually transitioned into a full-time member of Every Home Europe in 2018. Currently, Zuzana serves as the Operations Director, where she oversees the daily operations and administration across the continent. She is responsible for supporting the Continental Director as well as the Europe Leadership Team. In addition to her role in operations, Zuzana enjoys activities that involve creativity and learning.

Ondrej Garaj
Senior Advisor
Born to Slovakian farmers under an oppressive communist government, Ondrej’s best hope for a successful career was within the communist party. He became the organizer of atheist education at his high school for the communist youth organization and in an effort to study his Christian enemies Ondrej visited a village church. Deeply moved by what he’d witnessed he gave his life to Christ and became a servant of Jesus. Ondrej joined Every Home in 1990 and quickly became a Regional Director. Ondrej leads with deep theological insight, broad cultural awareness, and a commitment to making Jesus known worldwide. As Senior Advisor, he helps navigate Every Home ministry in Europe. Ondrej has three children, five grandchildren and lives with his wife, Viera, in Slovakia.
Global Leadership
Our History
In 1946, a young Canadian pastor named Jack McAlister encouraged his radio audience to help provide gospel literature to missionaries through the Tract Club of the Air. In 1952, he founded World Literature Crusade – known today as Every Home for Christ to further coordinate the placement of millions of gospel messages in bulk in countries around the globe. Yet no real systematic distribution strategy began until 1953, when he went to Japan with a fellow visionary.
At a Tokyo train station, they realized that for every person they gave the gospel to, ten slipped by them. That night they prayed desperately over maps of Tokyo and all of Japan asking, “How can we reach everybody and have a measurable sense of what has been accomplished?” This vision was given to them: Take the gospel to every home. Divide the city of Tokyo in a strategic way, and find people willing to go to every home.
God planted a similar vision in the heart of Dick Eastman in 1966. Following a five-week, home-to-home outreach in Central America—a decade before he joined Every Home for Christ and 20 years before being appointed its international president—he thought, “Someone should do this all over the world; mapping out every nation, taking the gospel to every home, and implementing a mechanism to disciple each person.
Since 1953, home by home, Every Home for Christ staff and volunteers have systematically and strategically taken over 4.7 billion gospel messages to over 1.7 billion homes worldwide. Taking the great commission literally, we partner with passionate Christians around the globe in sharing their faith right where they live. The fruit has been extraordinary. Every Home outreaches have been conducted in around 200 nations around the world.
Over 243 million decisions and responses for Christ have reached Every Home for Christ offices and have been followed-up. To continue their discipleship, new believers are encouraged to attend established local churches. In places without an established local church, Every Home for Christ forms new Christ Groups to disciple new believers. Over 400,000 groups have been planted in the course of Every Home for Christ’s history.
In 2009, Tanner and Bethany Peake moved to Colorado Springs to join the mission of Every Home for Christ. At the time, they were a young married couple answering a call to help people genuinely encounter Jesus.
For over a decade, Tanner and Bethany served in strategic roles, investing in Every Home’s global ministry, administration, and spiritual formation. They have adapted to serve the ministry in any capacity needed and invested profoundly in every aspect and activity of Every Home.
In 2012, Tanner was appointed director of prayer mobilization, following in the footsteps of Dick Eastman. Three years later, in 2015, Tanner stepped into the role of international director. In this role, he spearheaded the launch of Every Home’s Oikos initiative, a strategic plan to reach everyone, everywhere, with the gospel within this generation. Tanner was named executive director in 2020 and helped lead the ministry through the COVID-19 pandemic. In September of 2021, at Dick’s recommendation, the board of directors approved Tanner as Dick’s successor, and in September 2022, Tanner formally succeeded Dick as president.
In the last two decades, the landscape of Christian ministry and missions changed radically. Digital technology and social media play an increasing role in evangelism, allowing for more efficient connectivity between ministries and more accessible avenues of discovery for people who are curious about the gospel. Additionally, the importance of contextualized global evangelism has illuminated the need for new missions strategies that acknowledge the rapidly changing demographics of the global church, utilize new tools, and express the one true message of the gospel in diverse contexts.
Oikos is such a strategy. Grounded in careful calculations and metrics, Oikos envisions, in practical terms, reaching everyone, everywhere within this generation. It relies on every believer worldwide being discipled and equipped to participate in embodying the presence of Christ to their world, and it believes in faith that God does impossible things through his people.
While still rooted in the mission to reach every home, Oikos recognizes that many people do not have permanent dwellings or could be overlooked in traditional home-to-home evangelism. Oikos dreams beyond homes, innovating and expanding our mission in practical ways to ensure that every beating heart experiences a genuine encounter with Jesus.
Today, Every Home’s global fellowship, including over 3,000 staff worldwide and a monthly average of 200,000 volunteers, is working tirelessly toward the vision of Oikos. We continually pioneer new methods and tools while systematically saturating neighborhoods and nations with the good news of Jesus.